My gardening skills…are highly questionable

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A few weeks ago, for the cost of 99 pennies, I downloaded the Camera+ app on my iPad mini. This has more editing features than the normal camera app. In addition to cropping, I can add borders, lighting scenes and special effects with some odd names. Border styles include “Dark Grit,” “Old Timey,” and “Sprockets.” (Does anyone miss SNL’s Dieter?) Lighting scenes include “Fluorescent,” “Sunset,” “Beach,” “Concert” and “Food.” FX include “So Emo,” “Purple Haze,” “Hiptser,” “Tail fins” and “Ansel” (presumably after Ansel Adams).

All these options appeal to the lazy photographer in me. Yes, in addition to being a lazy gardener, I am also (quelle surprise!) a lazy flower paparazzi, and my plants are the STARZ. I typically order my husband, a professional photographer, to take pics, especially while we are abroad. No snaps I take will ever match his skill and artistry, so why try, right? Just boss the hubby, who is kind enough to oblige.

Since the CATNISS project is really my endeavor, I donned the cap of shutterbug. My iPad makes it easy for me to take very mediocre pictures. But the Camera+ gives me unprecedented power. Real photographers will wonder why my pictures are so out of whack (ahem, Chris and Chanda). Why are some photos too clear? Why are some too saturated in color? What IS she doing?

Well, as you will see at the end of “Backyard Blooms” edition, it could be worse. Poor Greywacke.

Stay tuned for front yard blooms….











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Plant Lust and Random Blooms

I ventured to the 13th Street Nursery last weekend, and found the statuesque plants in the first photo below. I can’t recall the name, but apparently you can find them all over England. I WANT THEM!!! They are like the ultimate spurge plant with wondrous purply crowns. They are also annuals costing $16.99 each. I couldn’t really justify the price because they would soon die under my care. So they remained at the nursery.

From my garden, I added some random blooms for your viewing pleasure.




