My gardening skills…are highly questionable

Robert Chapman Scotch Heather

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When I first moved into my current abode with Frank, I knew I would be a lazy gardener. So I bought about a dozen heath and heather plants, because they are very easy to take care of, and I was under the mistaken impression that I would not be interested in doing any more landscaping. I’m glad no human lives were risked by that grossly inaccurate presumption. Dozens of plants, though, have not fared so well.

My mother recommended to me the heather pictured below. In summer, the Robert Chapman calluna vulgaris is a warm yellow green with lavender blooms. In winter, it is a richly hued red. The photo is out of focus in some places. I’d make the excuse of artistic license, but I’m not an artist. I sheered the plant since this photo, so I can’t go back and take a better one.


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